Thursday, February 14, 2008

Building a better bike shop

Lance thinks he can build the coolest bike shop in the world. The problem: It's going to be in Austin, TX. Now, I don't have anything in particular against Austin, but it's not the coolest city in the world. And it's definitely not the coolest cycling city in the world. So, why does it get the coolest bike shop in the world?

Portland, on the other hand, is among the coolest cycling cities in the world. It ranks #1 in the USA and is pretty high up there internationally. Even Lance admits that we're better than Austin. We've got Gentle Lovers, bike boulevards, Halloween cyclocross races, and much, much more. Sadly, what we don't have is the coolest bike shop in the world. We have some bike shops that up their cool factor with free espresso and a shrine to Eddy Merckx, or super friendly staff and the presence of an adorable puppy, or even through good deeds and community service. But none of these shops really transcends into the realm of the ultra-cool. So, Portland, I'm calling you out. I've seen what the cyclists in this town are capable of and there is no one, not even a seven time Tour de France champion, that can compete with us. Bring it on, Lance.

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